Wonders full of wonders Your word
Stories how You judged and You saved
Living among those who do not love You
Comfort and hope I find in Your word
You saved with acts of power
All who called on Your name
You helped them in their trials
Sustained them by Your word
Oh, Your word is my song
My song in the night
Oh, its melody comforts
I'm kept by the rhythm of the promises of Christ
Promises, full of promise your word
Comfort, comfort they bring to my soul
Anguish in my heart when the world hates You
Strength to live for Christ, I find at the cross
All promises You've made
In Christ 'Amen' and 'Yes'
Though I'm mocked for trusting Christ
To follow I find strength
When the Christian life is tough, God gives us comfort through His word. Even when the world around us is rejecting Christ, ignoring Christ, belittling Christ, we can know God's very real comfort. This is especially true when we feed on the words of scripture, reading them, meditating on them and singing them. It is then, even in the darkness night of suffering, that we can know in a very real sense His comfort. His comfort helps us then to live for Christ, despite being surrounded by others who reject our very precious Saviour.
Walking the way of word of the God who saves is the longing and passion of the Christian believer. Yet life is hard, we struggle with sin and there are those who oppose. "119" explores the longest Psalm, Psalm 119, and seeks to help us get its various themes into our heart that our love for the Lord Jesus might grow and we might be more and more faithful to Him.
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